Orange and Honey Rescue

Like the ICB, only 100 members for this.

HONEY PONKAN/NAVEL. When Andie decided to place some of those Ponkan Oranges, and a few bumpy Navels, in the Rescue Samplers, she did not know that she would be causign a flurry of interest among members who love citrus. Private messages and public comments, we shall get more. This is an impromptu sale for a bottle of honey paired with 2 kilos of either Ponkans or Navels, or a mix of both. Will you give our farmers P499?

PONKAN OR NAVEL OR MIXED ORANGES + HONEY — P499 for 1 bottle + 2 kilos Oranges

Helps Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya farmers


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Weight2 kg


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